I am laying agonizingly still. Each breath is guarded. I cradle it tightly in my chest and let it slip away and disappear into the blackness. Moments pass. Just one more breath. Everything is out of place. Or is it… Continue Reading →
I spent a lot of time in Vegas in the spring of ‘88. Back when a casino was a casino, before the Mickey Mouse Club took over. Though I was living in Arizona at the time, Sin City hosted no… Continue Reading →
The first rule of Suicide Club is: tell frickin’ everyone. At least, that’s what Crake told me when he took me to see my first match. He didn’t mean it literally, though. He just meant it in the general fuck-you-to-the-cops-and-suits way that’s the… Continue Reading →
“At three months you get the option of, basically, never actually working again.” “Here at Aid Rite you will never ‘watch the clock’ and you will NEVER have a bad day at work!” “Life is waiting for you outside of Aid… Continue Reading →
Ye Loyal Readers: We close out Issue #6 with Sarah Doebereiner’s “A Study In Grey” a gripping story that lands with the impact of a sarcophagus lid slamming shut. It’s a powerful tome that MAY leave you hanging. Contributors: Thank you for your… Continue Reading →
He had only been in China for two months when he saw the ghost for the first time. It wasn’t at all the way he imagined it would be. It wasn’t a windswept cemetery in the dead of night, or… Continue Reading →
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