I had been preparing for weeks; months if you count the myriad gruesome drawings haunting my ever present sketchbook. That black, bound codex was my shield against taunts and bullies, ape-ish jocks and unimaginative, authoritarian teachers that populated the terrifying… Continue Reading →
It was the eyes that did it. Darbinyan could have shut the door in the man’s face but for the eyes. When he had opened the door, he had been taken slightly aback by the man’s height, but it was… Continue Reading →
The braying voice and undisguised hate of Lou Carmody that was coming over the radio were so offensive to Tyler Feasel that he almost went for his hammer in order to smash the radio to bits. But the moment of anger… Continue Reading →
After almost eight hours of heat, highway and latent hostility, David Long found his options dwindling to two choices; kill a drink or strangle Dianne. Since the latter clearly wasn’t acceptable, Long saw his search for a roadside bar as… Continue Reading →
When Henry Willis told me he was taking me to a fairy crossing, I thought he was just being a typical homophobe. “Okay, I’ve seen the sign,” I said. “Very funny. If we leave now I can still catch the… Continue Reading →
I’m going to jail. My life is over. It’s the middle of the night, pouring rain, and I’m sitting in my car outside of a shitty local coffee shop, leeching the WiFi they accidentally left on. Oh, and I’m wearing… Continue Reading →
Ye Readers and Writers: Given the looming arrival of the holiday closest to our hearts, TriggerWarningShortFiction.com Issue #7 concludes with a bonus sixth story. John Goss’ LAST HALLOWEEN should bring a chill and maybe a nostalgic lump in the throat to… Continue Reading →
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