TRIGGER WARNING Short Fiction with Pictures

#Poevember: Masque of the Red Death

THE “RED DEATH” had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with… Continue Reading →

#Poevember: Hop-Frog

I never knew any one so keenly alive to a joke as the king was. He seemed to live only for joking. To tell a good story of the joke kind, and to tell it well, was the surest road to… Continue Reading →

#Poevember: The Pit and the Pendulum

I was sick—sick unto death with that long agony; and when they at length unbound me, and I was permitted to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me. The sentence—the dread sentence of death—was the last of distinct… Continue Reading →

#Poevember: The Cask of Amontillado

THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that gave utterance to a… Continue Reading →

#Poevember: The Black Cat

For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet,… Continue Reading →

The Sand Dollar’s Final Words

Sandy shores writhed with sharks the fishermen caught while wading out knee deep. I watched those sharks on that first beach vacation I took as a child: thin wisps, sharp forms, struggling to breathe. I thought they were beautiful as… Continue Reading →

Wednesday’s Child

“Good morning, Miss M.” The voice, lecherous as a dank cellar draft, seemed to travel low to the ground, as if slithering out from beneath a rock. She instantly froze, the spoon halfway to her mouth. She’d heard that voice… Continue Reading →

A Hammer Horror Halloween

A tribute to Hammer Horror’s Dracula movies starring the iconic Christopher Lee. Happy Halloween from Trigger Warning!

Always My Baby

My Kaidee is THE cutest baby ever – I mean it. I just knew he was going to be adorable from the moment I tossed my cookies Thanksgiving night – I was three weeks late and I’d been totally hoping… Continue Reading →

The Pale Man

I have not yet met the man in No. 212. I do not even know his name. He never patronizes the hotel restaurant, and he does not use the lobby. On the three occasions when we passed each other by,… Continue Reading →

She Said She Was a Magic Mama

Mason walked up and down the living room of his house on East Street. He was a fat man, with heavy, dark eyes and two generous chins. The plump fingers of one hand, his right, were splayed around a glass… Continue Reading →


  I knew she was a smart little girl. Lots of kids are smart, and in lots of different ways. The word special gets thrown around quite a bit, and I hesitate to use it. In Sally’s case, I think… Continue Reading →

A Fragment of Damnation

He ran.  He didn’t know where he ran.  It was all lights and streets and his fear chasing him, finally chasing him.  He finally gained enough control to remember a house near where he was, where he could go, where… Continue Reading →

Got To Kill Them All

The sky was getting darker all the time. I set the red can under the glove box and drove away from the pumps, steering with one hand so I could gulp down some coffee. Then I hit the brakes before… Continue Reading →

The Detailer

Paulino was whistling by the time he got to work. He could not remember the name of the song. It had started running through his head as soon as the alarm went off, and then he heard it in the… Continue Reading →


  Stacy strained her gaze through the stifling, dark living room to look at the clock again…and then sighed, annoyed at her own stupidity.  It was, of course, two minutes to midnight.  It had been two minutes to midnight since… Continue Reading →

Birthday Pics

Wanna see his birthday pics?  The message seemed innocent enough. What Jake couldn’t get over was the packaging, a white envelope shoved under the slit of their hotel room door where it conjoined to the next room. Jake and Jan… Continue Reading →

The Hanged Man

David’s mother must’ve heard him wrong when he asked, “Where do the kids come from?”  She probably thought he said Where do kids come from because she fell into an uncomfortable silence, as if assuming he wanted her to explain… Continue Reading →

The Fifty-Nine Sound

  The traffic tailed back as far as he could see, a panorama of red tail lights. In the rear-view mirror, headlights jostled for attention. He drummed his hands on the steering wheel, desperate to be home. Every second that… Continue Reading →

From the Editors’ Desk

With giddy goose bumps, we proudly conclude the all-horror Halloween issue of with our most visually ambitious offering ever.   Co-editor John Skewes, who illustrates each story on the site, has gone all out with a pictorial spooktacular salute to… Continue Reading →

The Clean-Up Man

Three hours after every single pigeon in Memorial Park died simultaneously, a crowd, mostly tourists, had gathered around the fountain in the center of the park, pointing, taking pictures, and looking generally confused. There were some locals mingling about as… Continue Reading →

The Widow Black

Scritchity, scratchity, tap tap tap. The incessant skittering continues day and night – especially at night – from the apartment next door. It’s as though rats were scampering through the walls between my apartment and hers. But, I know it’s… Continue Reading →


Three, maybe four hundred people are packed into this sweaty pub. I’ve been gigging all my life, but I’ve never seen anything like this. Finally, an audience that gets me. I’m sat on the stool singing, ‘Isobel’, strumming my battered… Continue Reading →

The Last Walk of Filips Finks

Found Amongst the Private Memoirs of Doctor Alvis Mārtiņš, Late of Rīga. Filips Finks was still alive when I reached the windswept courtyard on that dark April morning in ’32, though I could see from his injuries that his time… Continue Reading →

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